Sustainability Reporting

Progress for a better future.

In 1851 Carl Franz Bally's responsible business practices were considered pioneering, and this is something that Bally has always remained committed to.Today, as we stay true to our origins and follow in the inspirational footsteps of our founder, we are continuously working to implement increasingly sustainable business models and approaches in order to improve our environmental and social footprint without compromising on the style, design, and quality of our products.

Bally strongly believes that transparency is paramount. Since 2019, we have published our Sustainability Report annually, chronicling our progress and providing updates on our sustainability journey. Our Code of Ethics, the Supplier Code of Conduct, and the Restricted Substance List - which all suppliers must abide by - are also available on our website. Since 2021, a list of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers active in Bally’s supply chain has become available too.

Alongside our efforts as a company, we also partake in initiatives such as the annual review led by the Fashion Transparency Index, and projects led by The Fashion Pact, a global coalition of fashion and textile companies committed to the safeguarding of our planet. Indeed, Bally was one of the first signatories of The Fashion Pact in 2019.

In 2022, we proudly committed to the Collective Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for the fashion industry (CVPPA). This initiative, led by the Fashion Pact, is aimed at accelerating renewable electricity adoption by investing in new clean energy infrastructure.

We also joined other key players in the fashion industry by submitting our targets to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation at the beginning of 2023.

We continue to look toward the future, cultivating Bally’s deeply embedded ethos of placing purpose beyond profit, and seeking new and innovative ways to do better for our people, product and planet.


在 Bally,我們關注的不是轉瞬即逝的潮流,而是經久不衰的永恆經典——質量至上。 我們也為我們的專業知識和工藝感到自豪,這些技術是由世代傳承的 Bally 工匠以及與我們一樣追求卓越並致力於遵守我們的道德準則和維護環境的長期供應商所共同成就的。

“Bally 的可持續發展是一項變革性和跨界的使命。

Nicolas Girotto, Bally CEO


我們是一個熱愛戶外活動,尤愛深入山林的品牌。我們的資產、產品系列和設計中將我們與大自然的聯繫體現得淋漓盡致。 我們不僅致力於減少對大自然環境的影響,我們也致力於在家中、在辦公室、工廠、倉庫和專門店(以及連結各處的每一處所)做得更好。 我們與先鋒組織和團體合作,例如 The Fashion Pact 和 Loomish,都將有助於讓我們對實現目標更近一步。.


Bally初期,我們的創辦人即開創了與社會互動的先例。 而這一傳統一直延續到今日。 近年來,我們將我們的努力付諸於三項關鍵使命:通過 Bally 基金會支持新一代創意人才來促進藝術發展、提供教育機會以及通過我們的 Bally Peak Outlook 計劃幫助保護山林環境,而這進一步反映了我們的環境使命。

Our Sustainability Reporting

作為一間受人尊敬和負責任的企業,Bally 擁有豐富的成就。 我們是一家充滿關懷的公司,在我們為自己的傳承故事感到自豪的同事,我們的重點已轉移到如何為後繼世代的人們與土地創造更美好、更光明的未來。

Bally Center of Exellence

Improving the way we do business.